Forget these myths and embrace a holistic approach to detoxification
Detoxing might seem like a new phenomenon, but in reality, people have been detoxifying for millions of years. At be&behappy, we understand that a detox isn’t just about losing weight or cleansing the body; it’s also about cleaning and refreshing the mind and spirit. Check out these common detox myths, and our perspective on holistic cleansing, to discover why Happy You can benefit from a safe, natural, healthy detox.
Myth 1: I already eat healthy foods, so my body doesn’t have toxins.
Detoxing can benefit everyone, no matter how healthy your diet is. Regardless of what you eat, we all come in contact with environmental toxins on a daily basis. We pick them up from food, the air, medications, household cleaning products — just about anything you can imagine. These toxins put our body through increased stress, and put us at risk for a range of health issues, including poor quality of sleep, depression, anxiety, weight gain, allergies, inflamed skin, and digestion problems. Detoxing helps eliminate the toxins that build up in our body and, considerably improves our mental well-being by reducing negative feelings like irritability, lack of concentration and motivation, instability, or aggressiveness.
Myth 2: I can’t eat when I detox.
If the idea of a detox makes you think of starvation, liquid-only diets and drastic weight loss, then it’s time to refresh that image. While some detox programs rely on liquids, we believe the best detox programs introduce wholesome, balanced foods into your diet — ones full of vital nutrients, antioxidants, fiber, and healthy fats. These foods kick-start your metabolism and help restore energy, clarity, and inner balance.
A detox shouldn’t be about depriving yourself; it should focus on giving you an abundance of vitality, energy, and health. At be&behappy, we’ve been helping people detox safely for more than a decade, and we’ve even created an all-natural detox kit to make the process easier for you. Get ready to rid the toxins and re-balance your mind, body and soul.
Myth 3: Detoxing is just for my body.
One of the most frequent misconceptions we hear about detoxing is that it’s simply a tool for quick weight loss. While healthy detoxing programs like ours do often lead to weight loss, at be&behappy, the real purpose of a detox is threefold: to cleanse and rejuvenate the mind, body and spirit. Your mind, body and spirit are intrinsically connected, and if your mind is filling your body with negative thoughts and stress, it keeps you from achieving the happy results of a holistic detox. So as you’re detoxing, take time to boost your sense of awareness, de-stress, and practice positive thinking. The more you’re connected with your higher self, the bigger the body, mind and soul benefits of your detox program!
When you take part in a holistic detox program like ours, you’ll be full of life. Our detox kit integrates the mind, body, and spirit to give Happy You countless benefits. You’ll fire up your metabolism and feel energized; you’ll become more aware of what you eat and its effects on your body and mind; and your thoughts will become clearer and more focused, resulting in higher performance and efficiency. Get ready to be a healthier, more focused, Happy You!